The Service
Data Tools is a software package that updates end-of-day prices from futures
exchanges around the world (see under "Market Coverage" on the menu to the left).
The software is easy to install and run. Once you're set up,
it's simply a matter of connecting to the Internet and clicking the "update" button.
There are no restrictions on the number of updates that can be performed. When the program
connects to our data servers, it supplies any data that hasn't as yet been downloaded.
If you have been away on holidays, the intervening period is filled in automatically.
The service employs 4 data servers in different locations around the world. If one server
happens to be down, or no route to it can be found, the program automatically tries the next one in turn.
Data Integrity
To deal with potential errors, Norgate employs a computerised checking mechanism that searches for unusual
prices or discrepancies between the open, high, low and close. In addition, data is obtained from a number of
alternative sources in order to highlight possible differences. Official exchange end-of-day price data is
always the preferred source. If errors are discovered, corrections are sent along in a later update to
automatically correct your database.
Data Format
The futures database is held in the "MetaStock" data format. Each update appends the latest price
and volume information to the database (Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume and Open Interest). In the case of
Volume and Open Interest, the data may be on a one-day delayed basis depending on the exchange and market in question.
The data can be accessed by any charting or analysis package that reads the "MetaStock" format.
Please Note!
Versions 12, 13, and 14 of the MetaStock™ charting program can only
read data as supplied by Reuters DataLink™. Earlier and subsequent versions are able to read "Local Data" as supplied
by Premium Data.
Note: ASCII updates are not directly available. However, the DataTools software contains
a "Translate Database to Text Format" function which can be used as a substitute for an ASCII update.
Subscriptions are available for terms of 6 months or 12. There is a short-length futures history available free of
charge (data going back 3 years) or you can purchase the long history.
Please use our interactive Price page to work out the total price in advance.
Separate installers for the program and historical data are always available to current subscribers from our
Downloads area. If you strike file corruption issues, or need to recover from a hard
drive failure or virus attack, or if you need to set up a new machine, re-installation can be completed in a handful of minutes.
Please visit the Help & Support section on this site to see the detailed support available for the program and the service.
* MetaStock™ is a registered trademark of Equis International, Inc.