Downloading / Installation FAQ
Can I install your programs on an Apple Mac?
Not directly. Our programs are only designed to run under Windows (Windows 7 and above) so they will not run directly on the Mac operating system.
However they will work on a Mac computer that is running Windows. This can be through a dual-boot setup using BootCamp or through a Windows Virtual Machine
with a product like Virtual Box, VMWare or Parallels that runs Windows as Guest OS. You will also need a licensed version of Windows. Norgate does not have any Mac systems so it is unable to provide support relating to the setup of the BootCamp or virtual environments.
Can I run your programs under Linux using WINE?
This environment is not recommended or supported.
Can I install your programs and data on a Windows Tablet?
This is possible, as long as the Tablet is running the full Version of Windows 8 (or higher) and not Windows RT.
You will also need to make sure you have sufficient disk space to spare - at least 1 GB.
I'd like to convert from a free trial to a subscription. Will I need to re-install anything?
You won't need to re-install your updating program(s). But if you purchase a "full" history as part of your subscription,
you'll need to download/run the corresponding full history installer. This will replace the existing trial history.
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If you convert from a trial to a subscription, you can continue to update your existing free trial history.
However, if you need to replace this history at some stage (due to file corruption, computer problems etc.) our Downloads area will only
contain the latest version of the trial history, which will have a more recent start date than any trial history you are replacing.
This issue does not exist with respect to "full" histories, which always have the same start date.
See also: re-installing a history.
I want to install a "full" history. Do I need to download the "trial" history installer as well?
How often are the history installers refreshed?
Fresh history installers are usually uploaded to our servers every Sunday with data up to the close of Friday.
I purchased a history some time ago as a stand-alone item and I want to download it again. Why can't I see the installer in the Downloads area?
See our notes on History Only Purchases.
How do I transfer my programs to a new machine?
The easiest way is to download the program and history installers from our site. Programs can't be copied from one machine to another - they need to be installed.
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If you originally installed from a CD, then you shouldn't use the CD again. The program version may be out of date and the data history will be as old as the CD itself.
If you prefer to copy an existing data history across to you new machine, then make sure you subsequently inform the updating program where its data is
located (by way of its Configuration menu). For specific information on copying histories, see the individual FAQs in each product support area.
My computer has been upgraded to Windows 7 and I can't run an installer. What can I do?
If you already had one of our products installed on your computer before upgrading to Windows 7, the existing installation folder and/or the files already in that folder
may have inadequate security permissions. The program and data folders need to have the security permissions set so that the Windows User Account has write access.
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The default installation folders are "C:\Trading Applications" and "C:\Trading Data". In Windows Explorer, right click on the
"C:\Trading Applications" folder, select the Security tab and verify the Permissions listed for the Users group. If they do not include Full Control or Modify click the Edit button,
click on the Users group, tick the Allow box for Full Control and click Ok. Repeat for the "C:\Trading Data" folder.
I've downloaded an installer but I can't run it (I get a message saying that Windows can't open the file). What can I do?
Check the file extension of the downloaded installer. If the extension is anything other than "exe", rename the file to restore the "exe" extension.
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We've noticed that some firewall programs automatically change the file extension on downloaded executable files to prevent them from being run.
In this situation, you can simply re-name the file to restore the correct *.exe file extension. If you can't currently see file extensions in Windows:
Go Start and type "File Explorer Options" and on the View tab uncheck the "Hide extensions for known file types" item, OR
in Windows Explorer click on the View menu and check the "File Name Extensions" box.