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Forex Support
- Premium Forex FAQ
> Premium Forex Service Information
Charting Programs & Our Data
- Overview
- Switching To Us From Another Vendor
- Advanced GET FAQ
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- Trading Blox FAQ
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Market Resources
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- Release of the 'Norgate Data Updater' platform
- Discontinuation of ASX Derivatives add-on (Dec 8, 2023)
- How to switch from Premium Forex to Norgate Data Forex
- Premium Data program upgrade (Jan 1, 2025)
- DataTools program upgrade (Sep 28, 2020)

Premium Forex Service Information

August 9, 2014 - new addition to the service

Bitcoin has now been added to the Forex service. Details of the coverage can be found here.

This new market will now start updating on your computer, however you will need to download and install a new data history from our website in order to receive the full history for Bitcoin.

You can get the latest Forex history installer from the Downloads area of our website.

You will need to have your username and password at hand to enter the Downloads area. If you have misplaced your login details, you can retrieve them here.

Once inside, save the full Forex history installer to a familiar location on your computer e.g. the Windows Desktop. (If you haven't purchased the full history, then the free 6-month installer will be available to you).

Then locate the history installer, run it and follow the prompts.

The history installer will rename the existing Forex data folder to "Forex(Previous Installation)" as a backup. Clients that use MetaStock Smart Charts can use our Smart Charts Copier to transfer their existing Smart Charts to the new Forex folder. Once you have no need for this backup folder, it can be simply deleted in Windows Explorer.

Trading Blox users can find an updated Forex Dictionary and information on how to add Bitcoin to the "ISOCurrencies.csv" file here.

AmiBroker users: after installing the new history, open AmiBroker, open the Forex-PremiumData database, go File > Database settings, click Configure, Retrieve Symbols, Ok and Ok.

June 28, 2014 - version upgrade for the Premium Forex application.

A customer-wide upgrade to our Premium Forex updating application will be released on Saturday, June 28 which will take the version number to

The upgrade should proceed automatically the first time the application is used to do a update on or after Saturday. The data update will continue after the upgrade is in place.

No major changes are contained in this upgrade. It's main purpose is to ensure that all users are using the current version of the application, as some older versions are no longer being supported.

September 5, 2011 - new additions to the service

60 new items have been added to the Forex service increasing the coverage to 64 currency pairs (as well as their "flips", or inverses), plus spot Gold and Silver in 7 currencies, for a total of 142 items. Details of the coverage can be found here.

Whilst the new markets will start updating on your computer, you will need to download and install a new data history from our website in order to receive the full histories for these new markets. Clients with a version of the Premium Forex updating program lower than 2.1.3 (eg: v2.1.2.7) will also need download and run the latest program installer at the same time.

You can get the latest Forex history installer from the Downloads area of our website.

You will need to have your username and password at hand to enter the Downloads area. If you have misplaced your login details, you can retrieve them here.

Once inside, save the full Forex history installer to a familiar location on your computer e.g. the Windows Desktop. (If you haven't purchased the full history, then the free 6-month installer will be available to you).

Then locate the history installer, run it and follow the prompts.

The history installer will rename the existing Forex data folder to "Forex(Previous Installation)" as a backup. Clients that use MetaStock Smart Charts can use our Smart Charts Copier to transfer their existing Smart Charts to the new Forex folder. Once you have no need for this backup folder, it can be simply deleted in Windows Explorer.

Trading Blox users can find an updated Forex Dictionary and information on how to add the spot Gold and Silver to the "ISOCurrencies.csv" file here.

AmiBroker users: after installing the new history, open AmiBroker, open the Forex-PremiumData database, go File > Database settings, click Configure, Retrieve Symbols, Ok and Ok.

February 21, 2011 - change to the publishing time

Effective Monday the 7th of March, the Forex close price will be based on values displayed at 5:00pm New York, to follow what has become the market convention. As such, our Forex data will be published at 5:45pm New York time (45 mins later than it was published previously).